Библиография / Раду Красивый или Раду Воевода / Ахметова Эльфира



Основные первоисточники и их переводы:


Laonici Chalcondylae, de Origine et rebus gestis Turcorum libri decem. Liber IX Conrad Clauser. 1556 (Laonic Chalcocondil Expuneri Istorice IX, Vasile Grecu)

Janicarove uspomene ili turska hronika, Konstantin Mihailovic (А. И. Рогов, Записки янычара)

Ducas, Istoria turco-bizantina (Harry J. Magoulias, Decline and fall of Byzantium to the Ottoman Turks)

Kritovoulos, Critobuli Imbriotae historiae (Charles T. Riggs, History of Mehmed the Conqueror)

Tursun Bey, Fatih'in Tarihi (Halil Inalcik, Rhoads Murphey, The History of Mehmed the Conqueror)

Aşikpaşazade, Osmanoğullarinin Tari̇hi̇ (edited by Kemal Yavuz)

Giovanni Mercati, "Note varie sopra Niccolo Modrussiense", Opere minori, IV., Studi e testi, 79., Vatican, 1937.

Die Kronicke des Stephan Voyvoda"/"Cronica moldo-germana" (Cronica lui Stefan Cel Mare. Versiunea Germana a lui Schedel. Ion Chitmia, Bucuresti, 1942)

J. Dlugosz, Historica Polonica, vol. 2, liber XIII (The Annals of Jan Dlugosz, Maurice Michael, 1997)



Сборные архивы документов 15 века:


Călători străini despre Ţările Române. Volumul 1

Cronici turceşti privind tárile române. Volumul 1 Sec XV mijlocul sec. XVII

DRH Seria B Ţara Românească. Volumul 1: 1247-1500

Bogdan, Documente privitoare la relaţiile Tării Româneşti cu Braşovul şi cu Tara Ungurească în sec. 15. şi 16.

Fontes Rerum Transylvanicarum, Tomus IV. Acta et epistolae relationum Transylvaniae Hungariaeque cum Moldavia et Valachia by Veress, Endre, 1914


Книги, диссертации и другой справочный материал:


Constantin Rezachevici, Cronologia Critică A Domnilor Din Ţara Românească Şi Moldova: a. 1324— 1881. vol. 1 (Secolele XIV-XVI)

Documente privitoare la istoria românilor, culese de Eudoxiu de Hurmuzaki 1911 (Volume 15, Part 1 of Documente privitoare la istoria romanilor)

C. Stoide Legăturile dintre Moldova si Ţara Romanească In a doua jumătate a secolului al XV-lea

Românii și România: o scurtă istorie. Ioan Aurel Pop. Editura Fundației Culturale Române, 1998

Agenda istorică a poporului român. Alexandru Ioachimescu, Florian Tănăsescu, 1992

Mehmed the Conqueror and His Time, Franz Babinger

Vlad Ţepeş, Nicolae Stoicescu, 1978

Epoca lui Ştefan cel Mare, Andrei Eşanu, Valentina Eşanu, 2004

Maria Despina, doamna lui Radu cel Frumos, Ștefan S. Gorovei

Pomelnicul Mănăstirii Bistriţa, publicat de Damian P. Bogdan, Bucureşti, 1941.

Slave Soldiers and Islam, the Genesis of a Military System, Daniel Pipes

The Historical Geography of Asia Minor, W. M. Ramsay (1851-1939)

The Roots of Balkanization: Eastern Europe C.E. 500-1500, Ion Grumeza

Stephen the Great and Balkan Nationalism: Moldova and Eastern European History, by Jonathan Eagles

Ikhwan al-Safa (A translation from the Epistles of the Brethren of Purity, Lenn E. Goodman and Richard McGregor, Oxford Press)

A history of Ottoman poetry, Volume 2 by Gibb Elias John Wilkinson, 1857-1901

The Age of Beloveds: Love and the Beloved in Early-Modern Ottoman and European Culture and Society. Walter G. Andrews, Mehmet Kalpakli

Эволюция института султанского гарема в XV-XVIIIВВ. И его роль в политической и социальной жизни османского государства, Мамедов Искендер Биньяминоглы

The Theme of Wine-Drinking and the Concept of the Beloved in Early Persian Poetry, Studia Islamica, E. Yarshater

Encyclopedia Iranica: Homosexuality III — Human Migration II, Volume 12, Issue 5, Ehsan Yarshater

Farroki Diwan, edited by Abd-al-Rasuli, 1932.

SAWANIH. Ahmad Ghazzali (Inspirations from the World of Pure Spirits, Nasrollah Pourjavady)

Thimar, Thalibi (The Raven and the Falcon: Youth versus Old Age in Medieval Arabic Literature, Hasan Shuraydi)

Hispano-Arabic poetry, and its relations with the old Provencal troubadours, Alois Richard Nykl

Mustafa Ali. Meva'idu'n— Nefa'is Fi Kava'idi'l-Mecalis (Tables of Delicacies Concerning the Rules of Social Gatherings, Douglas Scott Brookes

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