С альбома «Captain LockHeed and the Starfighters»
Catch a falling starfighter
Put it in the pocket of your jeans
You can use it as a cigarette lighter
Or as an opener for a can of beans
Catch a falling starfighter
Shine it up and wear it on a chain
You will find that it will be much brighter
If you empty out it's cockpit down the drain
If you empty out it's cockpit down the drain
I focused the magnifying glass
That brought the downfall of Icarus.
Balloons were easy; a simple pin;
Or a knife in the case of the zeppelin.
That blade was the cause of many a prang
In the early days of stick and string.
I am the gremlin. I was there.
Making mischief in the air
And always will be wherever man
Flies in the face of Creation's plan.
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