Question 1. Continuation. / Interview with Adi Shakti. Part 1. Karma and Physical Health. / Шакти Ади

Question 1. Continuation.

Question 1. Continuation.

Question: Is there connection between Karma and physical health of a person, and how we can make the necessary corrections, based on the knowledge of Karma? Continuation



Reply: Before we speak about the connection between Karma and physical health of a person ,we should clearly understand the principle of Karma and the principle of physical health.Karma is the Law of Cosmic equilibrium: we reap what we sow. This is the Law the Cause and the Consequence.


Physical health — is the harmonious functioning of a human body.


If there is physical destruction in the body ,it means that there is violation of harmony in life. If we find where this destruction is-then we will find the reason.


The same is with Karma. If there are any problems or serious challenges in life, one should first of all find a reason for the happening events, and try to understand the consequences of Karma, and fix them with appropriate actions.This question has many aspects and it is very individual. And sometimes it is not easy to understand the consequences of past Karma. But non-action is also unacceptable. Because the Karmic consequences can be too heavy and can lead a person to unpredictable actions.


Karma can be blissful as well.We reap what we sow. But in our Era of KALI Yuga,the most difficult period of Life on Earth ,too seldom we can a person with blissful Karma.


Coming back to connection between Karma and health. Taking into consideration everything that has been said above we can make a conclusion by ourselves-that yes,Karma and health are interconnected.


But I must tell you that these questions better to consider individually and much deeper,because each case requires very delicate approach to it.Because the shallow analysis of the situation often ignores the hidden levels of the decisions,actions and consequences of each individual in the past. And to “see” these hidden layers, one needs not a physical eyesight, but the clear vision of another dimension.


If you would like to ask your question, please ask it in the comments to the article and we will publish the reply of Adi Shakti in the future publications.

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