WHAT TO DO / Aira Ира


Aira Ира


Article 1. LAND

"Economism" was the main problem for social-democratic movement in Russia during Lenin's time, today we can name it as the desire to have "good capitalism".

The book of V. I. Lenin " What to do?» completed the ideological defeat of " economism" = “good capitalism”, which Lenin considered as a kind of international opportunism (opportunism — the policy of subordinating the working-class movement to the class interests of the bourgeoisie) in Russia. Lenin revealed the roots of opportunism in the ranks of social democracy: the influence of the bourgeoisie and bourgeois ideology on the working class, the worship of the spontaneity of the working-class movement, the belittling of the role of socialist consciousness in the working-class movement. He wrote that the opportunist trend in international social-democracy, which developed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and attempted to revise Marxism under the banner of "freedom of criticism", borrowed its "theories" entirely from bourgeois literature, that the notorious " freedom of criticism " is nothing but "freedom to transform social-democracy into a democratic party of reform, freedom to introduce bourgeois ideas and bourgeois elements into socialism".

We can see the same things today…

Lenin showed that there is a continuous and irreconcilable struggle between the socialist ideology of the proletariat and the bourgeois ideology: "… The question is only this: bourgeois or socialist ideology. There is no middle ground… Therefore, any diminution of the socialist ideology, any withdrawal from it, means thereby strengthening the bourgeois ideology."

The same question still stands today, more than 100 years later …

Socialist consciousness, Lenin explained, does not arise from the spontaneous working-class movement; it is introduced into the working-class movement by the revolutionary Marxist party. Today, such a party is the Communist Party.

The most important task of the proletarian party was and still is the struggle for the purity of socialist ideology, against influence of capitalism on the working class, against the opportunists — the agents and carriers of capitalism’s ideology in the working-class movement.

Lenin put forward the possibility of a transition to the satisfaction of the main economic interest of the working class only through a political revolution — "from the bottom up", replacing the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie with the dictatorship of the proletariat, but today, in an the age of high technological development, having the experience of the Soviet period and Marx's theory of the inevitability of the formations change, this issue can be resolved peacefully — "from the top down", by making competent decisions by the leaders of the states.

One of the most important sections of the RSDLP program at that time was its agrarian part. And this is correct, we remember from proverbs and fairy tales that the Earth is the mother, and the Bread is the head of everything. And today, only by allocating allotments could many homeless and hungry people be saved, and for this the Land must be owned by the state.

Nationalization of the land is necessary to save people of their country.

The "critical" trend, to which the majority of patriots and even communists have turned (the desire to have " good capitalism"), corrupts the socialist consciousness, trivializes Marxism, preaches the theory of blunting social contradictions, reducing the entire movement to a struggle for small, gradual reforms.

The social-democratic movement is international in its very essence. This means that the movement that is beginning in one country can be successful only if it implements the experience of other countries, and today this means the transition to the Socialism by all countries of the planet Earth.


1. The right to life

2. The right to have home (free of charge)

3. The right to have education (free of charge)

4. The right to have work (the workplace must be provided to everyone)

5. The right to have medicine (free of charge)

F. Engels recognized not two forms of the great struggle of social-democracy (political and economic), but three, placing alongside them the theoretical struggle. Today we can say that such a third theoretical struggle is the Internet and social networks.

The working-class movement must never forget that it developed on the shoulders of the English and French movements, that it was able simply to turn to its advantage their dearly purchased experience, to avoid now their mistakes, which then in most cases could not be avoided, Lenin noted, and today we are also obliged to rely on the experience of the Soviet period, to avoid the mistakes of that period, taking only the best from the experience of the USSR.

Resistance to the capitalists = Awakening of consciousness

People cannot have a social-democratic consciousness from their birth, it can only be brought from outside. Today, the history of all countries shows that the people, by their own efforts, are only able to develop an awareness of the need to unite in unions, to fight against the masters, to get the government to issue certain laws necessary for the workers, etc. The teaching of socialism grew out of those philosophical, historical, and economic theories that were developed by the intelligentsia. The founders of modern scientific socialism, Marx and Engels, belonged by their social position to the bourgeois intelligentsia. In the same way, in Russia, the theoretical teaching of social-democracy arose quite independently of the spontaneous growth of the working-class movement, and emerged as a natural and inevitable result of the development of thought among the revolutionary-socialist intelligentsia.

It is time for the current trend of worship of "good capitalism" to take stock, because the question is only this: capitalist or socialist ideology. There is no middle ground here (for humanity has not developed any "third" ideology, and in general, in a society torn by class contradictions, there can never be an extra-class or super-class ideology). Therefore, any diminution of the socialist ideology, any withdrawal from it, means thereby strengthening the capitalism ideology.

But why — the reader will ask — does the spontaneous movement, the movement along the line of least resistance, lead precisely to the domination of bourgeois ideology? For the simple reason that the bourgeois ideology is much older in origin than the socialist one, that it is more comprehensively developed and developed.

The economic struggle is a collective struggle between the workers and their employers for favorable conditions for the sale of labor, for the improvement of the working and living conditions of the workers. This struggle is a professional struggle, because working conditions are extremely diverse in different professions, and, therefore, this struggle for improving conditions cannot but be carried out by professions (trade unions, for example, in the West or in Russia). But to give "the economic struggle itself a political character" means to achieve the same professional requirements, the same professional improvement of working conditions through "legislative and administrative measures".

Every progressive propagandist should be able to explain the capitalist nature of crises, to show the reason for their inevitability in modern society, to outline the need to transform capitalism into a socialist society.

Class political consciousness can only be brought to the worker from outside, that is, from outside the economic struggle, from outside the sphere of relations between the workers and their masters. The area from which this knowledge can only be drawn is the area of the relations of all classes and strata to the state and government, the area of the relations between all classes. Therefore, the question: what to do to bring political knowledge to the workers cannot be given a clear answer, it is a long and hard work of the communists in all areas of information available to humanity today-newspapers, Internet resources, television.

The practical unpreparedness, the incompetence of organizational work, is really common to all of us, including those who from the very beginning firmly stand on the point of view of Marxism. It becomes certain that this weakness is due to the tendency of the majority of social-Democrats towards "good capitalism", and that we will not get rid of the narrowness of our organizational activities without getting rid of the idea of "good capitalism" in general.

The political struggle of social-democracy is much broader and more complex than the economic struggle of the workers against the masters and the government.

Everyone will agree that the "broad democratic principle" includes two conditions: first, full transparency and, secondly, the electability of all functions. Without publicity, it would be ridiculous to talk about democracy, and moreover, such publicity, which would not be limited to the members of the organization. We can call a democratic organization a socialist or a communist party, in which everything is done openly, up to the meetings of the party congress; but no one can call a democratic organization, which is closed from all non-members by a veil of secrecy.

The history of Russian social democracy before the revolution of 1917 was divided into three periods. The first period of about ten years is the period of the emergence and consolidation of the theory and program of social democracy. The number of supporters of the new direction in Russia was measured in units. The second period is three or four years, and social-democracy is born as a social movement, as the rise of the masses, as a political party. And the third period is the period of disarray, disintegration, and wobbling. Now we can add to this list the fourth period — the establishment of the Soviet power, the fifth period-the destruction of the Soviet power and the establishment of capitalism, and, finally, the sixth period-the return of the gaze towards the Socialism.

We cannot know how long the sixth period will last, how long it will take the current progressive social-democrats to explain to the " lower classes " and " upper classes " about the inevitability of the end of capitalism and the beginning of socialism, we do not know, but we firmly believe that the sixth period that has already begun will lead Russia and all the humanity of the planet Earth to the SOCIALISM.

And therefore at the question: what to do? we can give a short answer: Accelerate the development of the sixth period and establish SOCIALISM on the Planet Earth.

Article 2. A man of labor

The emancipation of the working class can only be done be the working class itself.

All other classes of modern society stand for the preservation of the foundations of the existing economic system. For the real emancipation of the working people, it is necessary to abolish private ownership of the means of production — the mineral resources and natural resources of the planet Earth, to transfer them to public ownership, and to replace the capitalist production of goods with the socialist organization of the production of products at the expense of the whole society, in order to ensure the full well-being and free all-round development of all members of the society.

The development of international exchange and production for the world market has created such a close connection between all the peoples of the civilized world that the modern movement of the working class has long since become international. And the Russian social-democracy sees itself as part of the international social-democracy.

What is a free state of free people on the basis of a democratic constitution, this was defined a hundred years ago by V. I. Lenin, and is relevant for our time:

1) the concentration of all supreme state power in the hands of the legislative assembly, composed of representatives of the people;

2) universal, equal and direct suffrage in elections to the legislative assembly and to all local self-government bodies for every citizen who has reached the age of 21; secret voting in all elections; the right of every voter to be elected to all representative assemblies;

3) inviolability of the person and home of citizens;

4) unlimited freedom of conscience, speech, press, meetings, strikes and unions;

5) freedom of movement and trade;

6) destruction of estates and full equality of all citizens, regardless of gender, religion and race;

7) recognition of the right to self-determination for all nations that are part of the state;

8) granting every citizen the right to prosecute any official without further persecution for himself;

9) replacement of the standing army with the universal armament of the people;

10) separation of church from state and school from church;

11) universal free and compulsory education up to 16 years.

In the interests of the working people, the Russian Social-Democratic Workers ' Party demanded and established in its time what capitalism takes away today, namely:

1) the limitation of the working day to eight hours a day for all hired workers;

2) the establishment by law of weekly rest, lasting continuously for at least 36 hours, for hired workers of both sexes in all branches of the national economy;

3) the complete prohibition of overtime work;

4) the prohibition of night work (from 9 hours. evenings until 5 o'clock) in all branches of the national economy, except for those where it is absolutely necessary for technical reasons;

5) prohibiting entrepreneurs from using hired labor of children under the age of 15;

6) Prohibition of female labor in those industries where it is harmful specifically for the female body;

7) the establishment by law of the civil liability of employers for the total or partial loss of workers ability to work — a loss that occurred as a result of accidents or harmful conditions of production; the release of the worker from the obligation to prove that the specified loss occurred through the fault of the employer;

8) The prohibition of the payment of wages in goods;

9) The issuance of state pensions to elderly workers who have lost their ability to work;

10) the increase in the number of factory inspectors; the appointment of inspectors in those industries where female labor prevails; institutions for the supervision of the execution of factory laws through representatives chosen by the workers and paid by the state, as well as the supervision of workers ' elected representatives for the preparation of prices and the rejection of goods;

11) institutions of supervision of local self-government bodies with the participation of elected workers for the sanitary condition of residential premises allocated to workers by entrepreneurs, as well as for the internal regulations of these premises and for the conditions of delivery — in order to protect hired workers from interference by entrepreneurs in their lives and activities, as individuals and citizens;

12) Institutions of properly organized comprehensive sanitary supervision of working conditions in all enterprises that use hired labor;

13) Extending the supervision of the factory inspectorate to the handicraft, domestic and handicraft industries and to state-owned enterprises;

14) Establishing criminal liability for violating the issuance of state pensions to elderly workers who have lost their ability to work;

Let us sum up all of the above, defining the main achievements of the socialist society with only five points necessary for the continuation of the existence of Humanity on the planet Earth.


1. The right to life

2. The right to housing (free of charge)

3. The right to education (free of charge)

4. The right to work (the workplace must be provided to everyone)

5. The right to medicine (free of charge)

The improvement of technology is constantly advancing, large-scale production is developing more and more, and small-scale production is increasingly being displaced or falling into decline. That was a hundred years ago. The same thing we can see today, very few of the small and medium-sized private owners that emerged 30 years ago survived, they were absorbed and continue to be absorbed by monopolies, these are the laws of the development of the capitalist system.

And yet these classes — small and medium-sized businessmen, manufacturers, farmers, individual entrepreneurs — are the owners of modern society, stand for the preservation of the foundations of the existing economic system, for capitalism. And the small producer, dying under the yoke of capitalism, becomes progressive only when he realizes the hopelessness of his situation. Today, it is impossible not to notice that the share of small and medium-sized producers is rapidly decreasing.

Like the Social Democrats of all other countries, the Russian Social Democrats stand on international ground. They look upon their party as one of the detachments of the world army of the working people, as part of the international social-democracy.

The discontent of the small producer inevitably generates in him the desire to defend his existence as a small owner, that is, to defend the foundations of the modern order — capitalism. And his "struggle" is very often directed against the working man, for the very position of the small and medium-sized producer (owner) is in many ways opposed to the interests of the working class.

The working people are not the "foremost representatives" of the petty businessmen. Therefore, only when the small producer realizes the inevitability of his death, he "leaves his point of view and goes to the point of view of the working people."

Today such a moment has come. Capitalism has come to its inevitable end. Then comes the time of Socialism. The Communist Party is a party that can lead the peoples of Russia to Socialism, and in alliance with the communist parties of other countries, and the entire Humanity of the planet Earth.

And therefore to the question: what to do? we can give a short answer: to build SOCIALISM on the whole EARTH planet.

Article 3. SOCIALISM

The development of international exchange, both material and intellectual, has established such a close connection between all the peoples of the civilized world that the great liberation movement of the working population should have been, and has long been, international.

In Russia, the diabolical torments of the "working and exploited masses" did not cause any popular movement until a "handful" of factory workers began the struggle, the class struggle, Lenin wrote. And today it is just a "handful" of left — patriotic forces led by the Communist Party, a "handful" that can continue building the road to a bright future for all Mankind — to the SOCIALISM.


All the same things that Lenin wrote about, that taxation puts with all its weight on the poor, and creates a privilege for the rich. The poorer a person is, the greater the share of his income he gives to the state. The poor and indigent masses make up 9 / 10 of the total population, consume 9 / 10 of all taxed products and pay 9 / 10 of the total amount of indirect taxes, and yet this part of the population receives only two or three tenths of the total national income.


When society is organized in such a way that an insignificant minority enjoys wealth and power, and the majority constantly suffers "hardships" and bears "heavy duties", then it is quite natural that the exploiters sympathize with religion, which teaches them to "meekly" endure the earthly hell for the sake of a heavenly paradise.

It is precisely because of the enormous spread of religious "delusions" among the masses of the people that all our capitalists, who live by the labor of these masses, "sleep peacefully". Therefore, the more enlightenment (education) is spread among the people, the more religious prejudices are displaced by the socialist consciousness, and the closer will be the day of the victory of the working man, his deliverance from enslavement in the modern world.

100 years have passed, and the society is at the same dead end. Once again, tens of thousands of young people are thrown out of the usual rut, and again the same question is posed to the society: “what to do?”

Yes, the bankruptcy of capitalism is inevitable, and it is already rushing to inform the whole world about it.

The current grandiose fear of the virus, largely due to the lack of free medical care and the same masks that should be given out free of charge from special machines to all those in need on every corner, that even the impending famine passes under an extraordinary atmosphere of deathly silence.

In the 90s and early 2000s in Russia, everyone rushed to build capitalism, at first it seemed to many that hard work and acumen would be enough. They were all wrong. We know that during this entire period, during the 90s and 2000s combined, along with the growth of the "Nouveau riche", there was an amazingly rapid and acute process of impoverishment, ruin and starvation of the working people, and the "Nouveau riche" themselves were shot in huge numbers.

It is a curious fact that the large number of small depositors in banks proves precisely the large number of the poor in capitalist society, because the share of these small depositors in the total amount of deposits is negligible. The more the savings banks develop, the greater the interest of small depositors in the victory of socialism, in which they will become not fictitious, but real "participants" and managers of public wealth.

Nationalization of land

The demand for the nationalization of the land is a fundamentally correct demand only as a measure of "good capitalism", and not socialism, since in the socialist sense it is necessary to nationalize all means of production — large-scale industry, the bowels of the planet Earth and natural resources.

We must sharply distinguish ourselves from any "reformers". We, the Communists, are also fighting for reform, but not "in every possible way", but only in a social-democratic way, only for the socialism. The destruction of private property only in land, as Lenin proved, cannot destroy the domination of capital and the poverty of the masses.

We are experiencing turbulent times, when the history of not only Russia, but the entire planet Earth, is moving forward with leaps and bounds, showing the inevitability of the collapse of the capitalism and the transition of all Mankind to the Socialism.


1. The right to life

2. The right to housing (free of charge)

3. The right to education (free of charge)

4. The right to work (the workplace must be provided to everyone)

5. The right to medicine (free of charge)

Technological progress (increasing labor productivity?) does not only give the capitalists a material opportunity to increase the level of exploitation of the workers, but it also turns this opportunity into reality, causing a relative decrease in the demand for labor at the same time as a relative and absolute increase in its supply. The rise of unemployment, poverty, oppression, and belittlement is the inevitable result of this basic way of capitalism. Artificial intelligence— yes, this is a scientific progress as a benefit only for the capitalists, and a living person of labor for capitalism will not be needed at all.

It is well known that the development of the productive forces of social labor is accompanied by the fact that all the benefits of this development are monopolized by an insignificant minority, and the growth of social wealth goes hand in hand with the growth of social inequality, with the increasing distance between the haves and the have-nots, with the deepening and widening of the gap between the owner class and the working class.

The economic basis of modern capitalist’s society is the capitalist mode of production, in which the most important part of the means of production and circulation of products produced in the form of goods is the private property of a relatively small class of people, while the majority of the population cannot support its existence except by selling its labor force. As a result, it is in the dependent position of wage-workers (the working class), who create by their labor the income of the owners of the means of production.

The economic development of Russia is at the beginning of capitalist production relations, simply put, in Russia now "wild capitalism", it is only 30 years old and waiting for its development for hundreds of years with the experience of the Soviet period and knowledge of the inevitability of changing the capitalist formation to the socialist, it is pointless.

The continuous improvement of technology increases the number, size and economic importance of large capitalist enterprises, reduces the standard of living of small independent producers (entrepreneurs), forcing them into the ranks of the poor, deprived of the means of production, the working class. Thus, the above-mentioned basic tendencies of capitalism lead to an increase in unemployment, poverty, exploitation, oppression and belittlement.

The growth of social wealth goes hand in hand with the growth of social inequality, with the increasing distance between the haves and the have-nots, with the deepening and widening of the gap between the owner class and the working class. But at the same time as all these inevitable contradictions of capitalism grow and develop, the discontent and indignation of the working class also grows, its cohesion increases due to the very conditions of the capitalist mode of production, the number and cohesion of the working population increases, the discontent and indignation of the working population increases, the desire to free itself from the unbearable yoke of capitalism increases, and this — the abolition of private ownership of the means of production, their transfer to public ownership, and the replacement of the capitalist production of goods by the socialist organization of the production of products at the expense of the whole society, in order to ensure the full well-being and free all-round development of all its members.

Summing up the results of the third article WHAT TO DO to the question: what to do?

We can give the answer with full confidence:


on the planet EARTH.

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