Question 1. / Interview with Adi Shakti. Part 1. Karma and Physical Health. / Шакти Ади

Question 1.

Шакти Ади
Interview with Adi Shakti. Part 1. Karma and Physical Health.
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Question 1.

Question: Is there connection between Karma and physical health of a person, and how we can make the necessary corrections, based on the knowledge of Karma?



Reply: If we talk about the origins of Karma and how we can neutralize or at least reduce its impact — this is another question, because all instructions that have been given in previous years, centuries and decades, they have been used by very few people. Normally people went to a hospital, revealed their sicknesses through diagnostics and started to suppress illness through medical treatment.


If we take ayurvedic doctors, they look at the sickness deeper, but they also do not touch Karma. They just see the reason, based on their accumulated knowledge of the reasons to one illness or another.


For example, let’s look at heart problems. A heart is closed, it cannot share its love with anyone. He or she cannot share the best things that have been originally given to him or her. Thus, the heart gets blocked. And it results in blockage of blood vessels: thrombophlebitis, strokes and everything, connected with it. And this is one of the ways to find the reason to your sickness.


Or if a person goes to a karmologist already (with the same question about the heart) and says: “There is a trouble with my heart, doctors cannot cure it and cannot make accurate diagnoses, cannot give me an appropriate treatment, but I understand that there is something deeper happening with me.” This is another level of consciousness already. He or she treats this illness not from the medical point of view, but he or she starts asking questions: “Why does it happen this way in my life?” It looks like everything is OK: he or she is successful, has finance, work, a house, but his or her heart starts knocking.


And here one can tell him the following: “How much time do you dedicate to your inner and spiritual side and how much time do you dedicate to the world?” He or she will reply: “Well, I do not have time to deal with spiritual things, I put material wealth in the first place.” In this case one needs to use materialistic treatment for his or her heart.


If he or she replies that 50:50, he or she wants to be successful both here and there — understand both law of life and the law of the materialistic world, here is another question. Then you ask — what have you done to improve your physical condition? He or she would reply — I run, do sport and exercise, strength training and I take dietary supplements. And here I would ask: “Do you know that the most valuable knowledge is Divine knowledge, how do you let them into your life? This is also food. Let it be for mind first, but then it will get distributed in a body.


And talking about the heart — it is like an engine of our body. Even though we tell, for example: this comes from the heart, this comes from mind, but these are just physical substances, which execute specific functions.


We have the physical heart and we have the spiritual heart. And this spiritual heart precisely — is that invisible core that a realised person builds on.”


And one can ask further: “What heart are you caring about now — your physical or spiritual heart?” If he or she tells that he or she does not understand what the spiritual heart is, then one can give him or her an individual advice, what he or she should note in his or her personal case.


If he or she has reached some level of material wealth (wellbeing), you should switch his or her focus to self-investigation: how the hearth works, why it exists in the body and what is this mechanism — the human body. The most sophisticated creature that could have been created in the Universe — is a human with all of his or her functionality for physical life.


This is what can be told about heart.


If you would like to ask your question, please ask it in the comments to the article and we will publish the reply of Adi Shakti in the future publications.

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