Приглашение наиболее активных сторонников на коллективный телефонный разговор: B
Приглашение наиболее активных сторонников на коллективный телефонный разговор:
Barack Obama info@barackobama.com
This Monday, I want to talk with you directly
Sergey — I want to cut through the noise and talk with you directly about where we're headed in the fight for change.
That's why I'm getting on the phone with OFA supporters this Monday, November 18th.
Will you join me?
I have just over three years left as president — and there's a lot left on my to-do list.
That's why I want to talk with you. You're the ones putting in the time and effort to achieve real progress, and fighting to make the agenda Americans voted for last fall a reality.
I know we all care about what we can get done together these next few years, so let's talk about how to make it happen.
Make sure you join Monday's call:
Thanks — I can't wait to catch up.
P.S. — It's been a while since I've been able to do something like this — I hope you can join the call.
И сразу инструкции – как направлять вопросы и коменты в ходе разговора.
Organizing for Action <info@barackobama.com> (Farlep-Internet)
Your instructions to join the call with President Obama:
Hey — Thanks for signing up to join the exclusive call with President Obama.
Here's what you need to know to join in:
The call starts at 8:15 p.m. Eastern Time on Monday, November 18th.
During the call, you can direct questions and comments to questions@barackobama.com.
Shortly before the call begins, go here to listen in live:
Organizing for Action
Вот как нужно работать со сторонниками – не то что на наших землях, верно? Присоеди-няйтесь – кто может прилично по-английски… См.:
Как завоевывать сторонников и бороться за каждого избирателя. Американский опыт gidepark.ru/user/3471837089/content/1487861
Обаму и его команду я твердо поддерживаю но с Мировой Диктатурой дерусь как могу. Она наш общий и главный враг. Такая вот диалектика глобальной войны. Поэтому:
И на груди его светилась медаль за город Вашингтон…


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