It is very difficult for many to understand my work. For some, it will seem naive, someone stupid, and someone will consider it a masterpiece. In my works (mostly) there are no names, dates or geographical names. Each reader can imagine himself in the place of the protagonist and plunge into the era that he likes. I do not control my characters, I do not invent stories for them. They arise by themselves in the head. I never edit what I already wrote, just a stream of consciousness framed in an artistic treatment. And until the last sentence, I don’t know how the next story will end. I am only a conductor between the world of fiction and paper. If you are ready to plunge into my not quite normal world - welcome.
23 ноября 2019, 00:55
Последний визит:
23 августа 2023, 09:27
Стена пользователя
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