The Monaco Grand Prix / Щербаков Паша

The Monaco Grand Prix

Щербаков Паша
The Monaco Grand Prix
The Monaco Grand Prix

Monte Carlo, set in the principality of Monaco is famous for its fabulous casinos, the first one of which was built by Prince Charles III of Monaco back in the mid-nineteenth century. Of course that is not the only thing that Monte Carlo is famous for — if you like speed and action then Monte Carlo is the place to be when the Formula One races start, when fast cars and fantastic drivers make the earth rumble. Though it seems young and wild, the race is a distinguished tradition since it is older than you might think, with the first race being held back in 1929.


Formula One racing is the absolute cream of the crop when it comes to automobile racing. It is basically a season of races called the Grand Prix which are usually held on closed circuit tracks. The Monte Carlo races, however, are a special case which is what makes them so worth seeing; the streets of the city get closed for the most famous of the Grand Prix races — the Monaco Grand Prix.


With the race in Monte Carlo being so famous, the circuit that the drivers face has its own special name; Circuit de Monaco. And so one weekend in the month of May, all racing fans turn to Monte Carlo and the Formula One Monaco Grand Prix. Of course, because the course is in the middle of the city, it is no simple thing to build but they manage to build it in just six weeks and take it down in three weeks. Although why it takes twice as long to put it up as to take it down is anyone's guess!


Since 1929 the course has changed quite a bit but it is still considered the most challenging track in Formula One racing which is probably why so many drivers are dying to try their chances in Monaco. The race circuit is more about the skill of the driver rather than the power of the car, as it is has all the elements that separate the boys from the men and really test the drivers: elevation shifts, hairpin turns, twists and turns, not to mention that this course has corners which drivers have to drive at the slowest speeds (50km/h) as well as the highest speeds (260km/h).


The thrill of this race is not just all these tricks and turns, but that as a spectator you can sit so near the course that you can smell the smoking tyres and hear the screaming engines. This is an exciting 77 lap course of 263 kilometres race where drivers can't afford even the smallest mistake. With the drivers going an average of 142 kilometres per hour on narrow winding streets, it is no wonder that this race has been compared to riding a bicycle round your bathroom or, flying a helicopter in your living room. Either way, it is an experience that comes around once a year so you don't want to miss it!

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