Classic Slots / Щербаков Паша

Classic Slots

Щербаков Паша
Classic Slots
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Classic Slots

The classic slot machine has been an extremely popular game ever since it was invented back in the 19th century. Simple, easy, and entertaining, the traditional slot games are still going strong.

Slot machines provide a unique combination of relaxation and thrill: among all casino games, this is the one most likely to help you ease your mind, but thanks to the instant wins and huge jackpots the game always keeps you alert and excited.

The jackpot — undoubtedly the best part of the game — is the highest pay you can get out of the game. The classic slots of Gold Rock Casino have jackpots from 1000 coins up to 10,000 coins!

The classic slot has 3 reels covered with different symbols (which is why they're also called 3 reel slots). As you pull the lever or click the Spin button, the reels start to spin rapidly, until they come to a halt. The combination of the symbols that now appear on the middle horizontal line of the spin determines if you win, and the size of your payout. This is the oldest and most traditional type of slot machine: 3 reels, and one pay line.

Among Gold Rock's 3 reel slots you can find the classic 1-line penny slot, like the Fantastic Fruit slot machine or Big Cash Win where you can play with just one cent per round (though you can change the coin as you like, up to $5). Other slot machines include more advanced features such as multipliers and wild symbols (that substitute for other symbols to generate a win). These bonus symbols make the game a lot more exciting and profitable. And of course, our three progressive jackpot slots offer the highest rewards.

With small betting limits that let you play for hours and hours, beautiful themed designed, and a simple use, the classic slot is the most player-friendly game in the casino.

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