Aira Ира
Обложка произведения 'SOCIALISM'


Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the USSR formation


«…the party received a new powerful ideological weapon of Bolshevism, an encyclopedia of basic knowledge in the field of Marxism-Leninism. It outlines and summarizes the gigantic experience of the Communist Party, which no other party in the world has ever had and has no equal. A short course in the history of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) is the most important means in solving the problem of mastering Bolshevism, arming party members with Marxist-Leninist theory, i.e. knowledge of the laws of social development and political struggle, a means of increasing the political vigilance of party and non-party Bolsheviks, a means of raising the cause of propaganda of

Marxism-Leninism to the proper theoretical height».

October 1, 1938 "A short course in the history of the VKP (b)







The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is obliged to convey to the people the only way with which it came to the legislature! The Communist Party of the Russian Federation has as its main goal the construction of socialism — a society of social justice on the principles of collectivism, freedom, equality, stands for genuine democracy.

Leader: Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov!

Ideology: 21st century socialism

This path is one and it cannot be modified in any interpretation:


This way has been laid in all countries of the world and followed by different paths, and therefore it drags on not only for years, but also for centuries (for example, Sweden, see below).

To destroy the socialism of RUSSIA in the 20th century, all the forces of the capitalist societies of the world were thrown, including the world war and the cold one (sanctions)!

The USSR — the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, laid its foundation on December 22, 1922, survived and developed socialism in such a way that it turned the USSR into a powerful state of political, economic, scientific, cultural and military potential.

However, along with this, the desire of the republics that are part of the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) for independence appeared. Also, corruption schemes began to be revealed for the purpose of gaining a private nature (which is so characteristic of man), the influence of Western propaganda about super luxury, and so on, led to the collapse of the USSR and the exit of a certain part of the republics from it.

And, on December 8, 1991, the three founding states of the Union signed agreements on the termination of the existence of the USSR and the creation of the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States). On December 26, 1991, the Council of the Republics of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted a declaration "On the cessation of the existence of the USSR."

From that moment on, Russia ceased to exist as a socialist state, and according to Ch.1, art.1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation — the Russian Federation, RUSSIA (the names are equivalent) is a democratic federal state with a republican form of government. The events of August 19-21, 1991 served as the basis for accusing the CPSU of unconstitutional activities. By decree of the President of the RSFSR B. Yeltsin (number 169 of November 6, 1991), the activities of the CPSU and its republican organization, the Communist Party of the RSFSR, were banned, organizational structures were dissolved, and property was confiscated.

The country turned sharply into capitalism by plundering all its natural and production resources, society was divided into classes, a class of capitalists was formed (people who seized these resources).

CPRF (Communist Party of the Russian Federation), formed on the initiative of the Communists, the primary organizations of the Communist Party of the RSFSR and the CPSU. Creation date February 13-14, 1993. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation has as its main goal the construction of SOCIALISM — a society of social justice on the principles of collectivism, freedom, equality, stands for genuine democracy.

At the present time (rapidly developing technologies and electronics), humanity is immersed further and further into itself and comes out to communicate only in the social networks of the Internet. If you carefully analyze the dialogues of Internet users, it is clear that humanity is suffering, crying, mostly from social injustice and the division of society into classes of "rich" and "poor" and does not see a way out of this impasse. This impasse in the development of humankind is CAPITALISM.

World capitalism, which is hundreds of years old, has reached its peak, but has not brought social well-being and benefits to humankind.


"Attempts to restore capitalism will be inevitable until the final transition from capitalism to communism takes place."

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is the most powerful party in the world that has an ideology (based on Marxist-Leninist theory), a goal, a direction and a program to build a better social state, the justice of which will ensure a decent life for every person.

The task of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is to bring to the attention of the people the goal and the program of their actions in the implementation of the transition to socialism, which can be carried out peacefully by voting in elections for candidates from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. And, in the event that a majority of seats in the State Duma are taken by CPRF, they will amend the Constitution and laws of the country on universal nationalization of land, natural resources and other strategic assets of the country, as well as through the abolition of some elements of Article 9 of the CONSTITUTION of the Russian Federation by abolishing clauses on private ownership of land and other natural resources.

The change from capitalism to socialism must, first of all, fulfill the human rights set forth in the five points on the human right to life:

1. Right to have life (birth free of charge)

2. Right to have home (free of charge)

3. Right to get education (free of charge)

4. Right to get work (the workplace to be provided to every person)

5. Right to get medicine (free of charge)

These rights are feasible, in the event that candidates from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation take most of the seats in the State Duma, resolve issues with the general nationalization of the Earth, natural resources, and the country's industries. Then all profits and excess profits will flow into the treasury of the state, and not into the pockets of the capitalists who now own all the wealth of the country. This billion-dollar profit will go to the distribution of 5 points on human rights.

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation should become inflexible in solving only one global problem:



"People have always been and always will be stupid victims of deception and self-deception in politics until they learn to look for the interests of certain classes behind any moral, religious, political, social phrases, statements, promises."




From the very beginning of the mass working-class movement in Russia, there have been and still are deep disagreements among the Social Democrats on questions of tactics. As you know, it was precisely this kind of disagreement that caused the trend of “economism” at the end of the 19th century, which led to their split, today this trend can be called “the desire for good capitalism”, which has an impact on the inner-party situation.

We believe it necessary to consider and try to depict the entire process of the development of capitalism in Russia as a whole.

Lenin emphasized that capitalism is a historically transient system, which its historical role is to create the material prerequisites and subjective factors for the proletarian revolution, the transition to socialism. Today, in the age of advanced technologies that allow instant communication across time (time zones) and distances, the transition to socialism is possible peacefully, by occupying most seats in the State Duma for candidates from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Lenin, based on the theory of K. Marx, was able to show humanity the path to socialism. The propositions of Marxism developed and substantiated in Lenin's book more than half a century ago are still relevant today. Lenin's ingenious instructions on the hegemony of the proletariat — "man of labor", on the alliance of workers and peasants are the guiding principle in the struggle of the peoples for democracy, national liberation, for socialism.

Lenin's work The Development of Capitalism in Russia came out five years after Engels published the third volume of Marx's Capital and was a direct continuation of Marx's brilliant work.

On the basis of a study of the Russian economy, Lenin enriched other sections of the political economy of capitalism with new provisions, in particular, the theory of the emergence and development of the capitalist mode of production, the transformation of a simple commodity economy into a capitalist one and the peculiarities of this process in agriculture, the theory of reproduction and crises, the socialization of labor with increasing concentration production.

Lenin's book The Development of Capitalism in Russia is of inestimable significance for the peoples of the capitalist and colonial countries. With all its content, it convincingly proves that under the rule of capital, the masses of the people are doomed to exploitation and poverty, that the only way to free themselves from the yoke of the landowners and the chains of imperialism is the path of socialism. Today, in the age of advanced electronic technologies, socialism can be reached peacefully, especially since capitalism has reached its dead end — an inevitable end, beyond which only one way opens — the way to socialism.

Lenin emphasized that capitalism is a historically transient system, which its historical role is to create the material prerequisites and subjective factors for the transition to socialism

Fr. Engels wrote about the famine of 1891 that it was artificial and meant the creation of an internal market for capitalism; now let us remember our 90s of the 20th century, empty counters, queues for sausage, all the same — preparing the domestic market for the arrival of capitalism.

Capitalism had its progressive historical role in its time, especially in Russian agriculture — the Russia of the plow and chains, the water mill and the handloom began to quickly turn into the Russia of the plow and thresher, the steam mill and the steam loom.

However, we do not in the least forget either the historically transient nature of this economic regime, or the profound social contradictions inherent in it!


The Soviet government providing the man of labor with following rights stopped these contradictions:

1. The right to an eight-hour day.

2. The right to annual paid leave. For the first time in the history of humankind.

3. The impossibility of dismissing an employee at the initiative of the administration or the owner without the consent of the trade union and party organization.

4. The right to work, to the opportunity to earn a living by their work. Moreover, graduates of professional educational institutions had the right to compulsory employment in the labor direction with the provision of housing in the form of a hostel or apartment.

5. The right to free general and vocational education. Moreover, both secondary vocational education and higher education. For the first time in the world.

6. The right to free use of preschool institutions: nurseries, kindergartens, pioneer camps. For the first time in the world.

7. The right to free medical care. For the first time in the world.

8. The right to free spa treatment. For the first time in the world.

9. The right to free housing. For the first time in the world.

10. The right to protection of the state from the arbitrariness of local chiefs and officials. For the first time in the world.

11. The right to free travel to the place of work or study on an individual, state-paid travel document. For the first time in the world.

In addition, women were entitled to a number of additional benefits:

1. The right to a three-year maternity leave with the preservation of the workplace. (56 days — fully paid, 1.5 years — allowance, 3 years — without interruption of service and the administration's ban on dismissal).

2. The right to free patronage service for a child up to one year.

3. Eligibility for a free dairy kitchen for newborns up to three years of age.

4. The right to free medical and spa treatment for any childhood illness.

In no country in the world, there was anything like it and could not even be in sight. Some social benefits in foreign countries began to appear only after the Second World War because of a powerful labor movement caused by the existence on the planet of the Soviet state, the State of Workers and Peasants.

With such powerful social achievements behind him, Soviet people were sincerely proud of their country, knowing that their country had colossal achievements in the development of its national economy, namely:

1. We ourselves, without any outside help, restored the destroyed national economy of the country after the First World War and the Civil War, and after the Great Patriotic War. The history of humankind has never known such a people's feat.

2. In all economic indicators of the development of the national economy of the country, since the second half of the twentieth century, we have occupied a solid second place in the world after the United States. Moreover, we must not forget that three monstrous wars swept through the expanses of Russia in the twentieth century, and there have been no wars at all in the United States for the past hundred and fifty years.

3. In terms of the number of inventions registered per year, we also ranked second after the United States. Moreover, this figure indicates the technical level of our industrial production. This level was comparable to the American one, with the world's first economy!

4. We had the best system of general and special vocational education in the world, to which America is only now beginning to move. Both our schoolchildren and students at all the intellectual Olympiads of the world have always won prizes, far ahead of representatives of other countries of the world.

5. We had the world's best preventive healthcare system, which America and Europe are only now beginning to transition to.

6. We had the world's best system of physical and sports training for the population of the country, to which China has already switched and a number of civilized countries of the world are beginning to switch.

7. We had one of the best space exploration systems in the world that only America could compete with.

8. We had the best military equipment in the world that only America could compete with.

You can also add a few words here that we had a country respected by the whole world. It was a Great Power with a Great history, with Great industry, with Great science, with Great culture, with Great education and Great ideas for building a new society on earth, fair to all the people of the country, not just to the rich.


«Only by nationalizing banks the state can know where and how, from where and at what time millions and billions are transferred. And only control over the banks, over the center, over the main pivot and the main mechanism of capitalist turnover, would make it possible to organize in practice, and not in words, control over the entire economic life, over the production and distribution of the most important products, to establish that regulation of economic life, which otherwise is inevitably destined to remain a ministerial phrase for swindling the common people».


We repeat that the transition from capitalism to socialism today is possible peacefully, by changing the articles of the CONSTITUTION and the general NATIONALIZATION of the bowels of the earth, natural resources, respectively, large enterprises based on them, and, of course, banks.

However, it is necessary to explain to the people their rights to “property”, so that the people know that under socialism, the right to small or medium business is not taken away, and it is also necessary to explain the difference between capitalist property, public and personal.

The distinctive feature of socialism is not the abolition of property in general, but the abolition of capitalist property. The capitalist uses the hired labor of the working person for personal enrichment, while under socialism the working person works for the common good.

Capitalism is the exploitation of human labor in factories and enterprises based on universal natural resources such as gas, oil, diamonds, forests, oceans, land, water, air, and electricity. Small business, entrepreneurship, sole proprietorship or based on the equal participation of several workers at home or in rented premises, for example, in the service sector, are permissible in socialism, since they exclude the exploitation of one person by another person.

Socialism does not deprive anyone of the possibility of appropriating social products; it only deprives them of the opportunity to enslave the labor of others through this appropriation.

The fate of man is in the hands of the people themselves! We rule ourselves, we issue laws ourselves, we approve them ourselves, we choose ourselves and we vote "FOR" ourselves!


A distinctive feature of socialism is not the abolition of property in general, but the abolition of capitalist property (K. Marx / V. Lenin).

After the nationalization of the bowels of the earth and natural resources, all profits and excess profits will flow into the state treasury, and not into the pocket of a private owner, and the state will be able to provide every person with the rights necessary for life:

1. Right to life

2. Right to have a home (free of charge)

3. Right to an education (free of charge)

4. Right to get work (the workplace should be provided to every person)

5. Access to medicine (free of charge)



The right to life is one of the fundamental human rights protected by International Law and the Constitution of most countries, including Russian Federation.

States are obliged to protect human life from any unlawful encroachments and other threats, to provide legal, social, economic, environmental and other conditions for a normal, full and decent human life.

This also includes such concepts of RIGHT as the DEATH PENALTY, legalized in individual countries.

This also includes concepts such as abortion, permitted or not permitted by states.

The right to life was first proclaimed as a natural right in the US “Declaration of Independence” of July 4, 1776, but this right is not either found in the US Constitution, adopted in 1787, or in the constitutions of other states adopted until the middle of the twentieth century.

Only after the Second World War, in 1948, the UN General Assembly adopted the universal "DECLARATION OF RIGHTS" of human rights, Article 3 of which reads:

Every person has the right "TO LIFE, FREEDOM and PERSONAL INVIOLABILITY".

Somewhat later, in 1950, within the framework of the Council of EUROPE, the Convention “On the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms” was concluded, signed by Russia in 1998 and becoming part of its legal system.

Multilateral HUMAN RIGHTS instruments relating to the right to life have also been adopted in other parts of the world, such as the one adopted in 1969: the Inter-American Convention on Human Rights.

Another important document was the pact “On CIVIL AND POLITICAL” rights concluded in 1966 within the framework of the UN. Article 6 of this document proclaims the RIGHT TO LIFE as an inalienable right of every person, protected by law.

The USSR signed this PACT in 1968, ratified it in 1973, joining the optional protocol to this pact only in July 1991.

Recognizing the right to life, the Russian state has not determined the moment of its occurrence in essence, and the legislative provision of this right is not enough.

The right to life of the unborn is combined, at the same time, with the life of the mother herself.

— Prematurity is not defined;

— When considering abortion, there is no decision from when a human fetus can be considered a person.

Euthanasia is not recognized in the Russian Federation. The DEATH PENALTY in the Russian Federation is allowed, but sets a number of restrictions. (Since 1966, the death penalty has not been applied in RUSSIA.)

5. 2. RIGHT TO HAVE A HOME (free of charge)

The right to have a home is one of the Constitutional rights of citizens in a number of states.

The right to have a home, Article 40 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is the right of everyone. It means a prohibition to arbitrarily deprive a person of his home, as well as the legal possibility for the poor to receive it free of charge or at an affordable price from state, municipal or other housing funds in accordance with the norms established by law.

According to the same article, housing construction is encouraged by state and regional authorities.

In the USSR, the right to have a home was included into the USSR CONSTITUTION. This was the greatest social achievement, which even the richest countries of the West, such as the United States with its millions of homeless people, could not handle.

It was EQUALIZING RIGHT, living space was provided according to the number of family members. 1989 statistics show that 63.7% of the population lived in separate apartments, 6.1% lived in communal apartments, 2.7% occupied part of a separate house, 3.6% lived in hostels, and many families occupied 2 rooms there.

The people of the USSR had the right to improve their living conditions. Large families that were registered received a large living space or, according to their desires, were divided into separate apartments. Orphaned children received housing rights upon reaching the age of 18.

By the end of the Soviet period (1990), 92% of housing in cities and urban-type settlements of the RSFSR had central heating, 79% hot water supply, 72% gas.

Then capitalism came and took away all these rights.

At present, one of the main principles of the MARKET REFORM of the Russian Federation has become the transition from meeting the need to have a home based on equalizing (natural and civil law) to housing, which has moved to solvent demand to have a home, including heating, as its integral part.

5. 3. RIGHT TO AN EDUCATION (free of charge)

PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION were formed back in 1903 in the program of the RSDRP, announced at the 2nd Congress of the RSDRP:

— Universal free compulsory education for children of both sexes up to the age of 16;

— Liquidation of estate schools and restrictions in education on national grounds;

— Separation of school from church;

— Teaching in native language and so on.

On November 9, 1917, the State Commission for Education was established by the Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars, which was entrusted with the task of managing the entire system of «People's education and culture».

The Constitution of the RSFSR of July 10, 1918 declared "On comprehensive and free education for workers and peasants."

In accordance with Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to compulsory free general education and free higher education, on a competitive basis under the federal quota for a certain number of places.

However, along with the free general education system in the Russian Federation, there are paid organizations, such as:

— Private educational organization;

— Individual entrepreneurs;

— Private school (non-state educational institution of primary or secondary education, the funds for the maintenance of which are paid in whole or in part from fees collected from students).

The founders of private schools can be both private individuals and local governments, religious, trade union and non-profit associations. The first private schools had already begun to form in the late 1980s. The number of private schools has increased most rapidly since 2010.

Higher paid education is paid by applicants or their guardians, or by parents. The cost of paid education varies in HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS: full-time education from 60 to 560 thousand; distance learning from 45 to 120 thousand; distance learning from 30 to 90 thousand. In addition, certain types of paid education professions reach up to 800 thousand rubles.

Note: In Russia, there is practically no free working education, free circles for children, sports, music and other types of culture and art.

The paid education system is replacing the state system and it is dividing people into classes of society with incomprehensible speed and leading our people to a capitalist education system, as in some states of the world, where illiteracy reaches more than 70%.

According to G. A. Zyuganov, the digitization of the educational process is capable of completely destroying the educational function of the school. Total "distance learning" and digitalization of education are the tools by which a generation of illiterate and obedient clients is raised. Such people are ready to freely change their job, vocation, fatherland...

Outstanding Soviet education, as the leader of the Communist Party points out, was considered by world capital and the authorities of Western countries as a direct threat to their interests. Destroying our educational traditions is the most reliable way for Russia's opponents to prevent its national revival.

5. 4. RIGHT TO GET WORK (the workplace should be provided to every person)

The right to get work is one of the economic human rights. Enshrined in Article 118 of the CONSTITUTION of the USSR (1936); Article 40 of the USSR CONSTITUTION (1977); in Article 37 of the RUSSIAN CONSTITUTION, where the right to work is regulated as: «The right to work in conditions that meet the requirements of safety and hygiene».

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN) Article 23 proclaims that everyone has the right to work, to free choice of work, to just and favorable conditions of work and protection from unemployment, to equal pay for equal work, to remuneration, and other means social security.

To protect his interests, every person has the right to form trade unions and to join trade unions.

European Social CHARTER (1961) Art.1 provides for the right to work, in order to ensure the effective implementation of which the Parties undertake:

— Recognize as one of its main goals and responsibilities the achievement and maintenance of the highest possible and stable level of employment, i.e. full employment;

— Ensure effective protection of the right of workers to earn a living in a freely chosen profession;

— Establish or maintain free employment services for all workers;

— Provide or facilitate the provision of appropriate vocational guidance, training or retraining.

According to the International Covenant (part 1, article 2) “on economic, social and cultural rights” (UN 1966), every person has the right to get work, including his right to receive the opportunity to earn a living by work, and the state must take measures to fully exercise of this right.


Labor is free …….

1. Labor is free. Everyone has the right to freely dispose of their abilities to work, choose the type of activity and profession;

2. Forced labor is prohibited;

3. Everyone has the right to work in conditions that meet the requirements of safety and hygiene, to remuneration for work without any discrimination not lower than the minimum wage established by federal law, as well as the right to protection from unemployment;

4. The right to individual and collective labor disputes is recognized using the methods of their resolution established by federal law, including the right to strike;

5. Everyone has the right to rest. A person working under an employment contract is guaranteed the length of working hours established by federal law, weekends and holidays, and paid annual leave.

Note: In the socialist countries, the right to GET WORK is understood as the right to receive a guaranteed job with wages in accordance with its quantity and quality.

In the USSR there was a system now called as forced labor. However, do not forget that this was due to the post-war periods of the 2 world wars to restore the state and its projects, and therefore labor itself was mandatory for every person and the USSR state provided this labor to everyone by profession or according to their interests.

One should not confuse such concepts in Article 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation as FREE LABOR in general with labor.

In any system, there should be free labor, but the free education system in the USSR also provided a job for graduates of higher educational institutions and this was great for mastering and practicing their profession.

Note: The forced labor system was necessary in the USSR for state projects, and the restoration of the state after wartime, therefore

— Labor of prisoners was used;

— It was carried out by the Gulag and mainly concerned the logging, construction and mining industries;

— Collective farms were forced, but gradually everyone could leave the collective farm.

GULAG — Main Directorate of Camps (these are labor camps from the system of colonies and special settlements), managed by the police.

In the USSR, a person had many “duties”, for example, “duties” (for which one did not have to pay) — to work, to get medical treatment, to relax, to have a home, to have leisure and entertainment and hobbies, to play sports and TO DEFEND THE HOMELAND.

Now "DEMOCRACY" has taken away these duties, but has given freedom to a person to end up in the trash!

The socialist system envisages and creates obligatory conditions under which everyone can find a job according to their profession or according to their interests and with a decent salary.

But capital is merciless in relation to the health and life of the worker wherever society does not force him to a different attitude. To complaints about physical and spiritual mutilation, disability, premature death, the capitalist answers: “how can these torments torment us if they increase our pleasure (profit)?” (V.I. Lenin)

The man of labor converts his wages chiefly into means of subsistence, and chiefly into necessary means of subsistence for himself and his children.

5.5. RIGHT TO GET MEDICINE (free of charge)

HEALTH PROTECTION OF CITIZENS IN RUSSIA is a set of political, economic, legal, social, cultural, scientific, medical, sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic measures aimed at preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of each person, maintaining his longevity, active life, providing medical assistance to him in case of loss of health.

After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Ministry of Health of the USSR was abolished. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation appeared.

Medical care in the USSR was free. Medical poles were not required. A passport or other form of identification was sufficient. The entire healthcare system in the USSR was aimed at the prevention of severe chronic diseases, vaccination and the elimination of the social foundations of diseases, and priority was given to childhood and motherhood.

MEDICINE in the USSR is the result of painstaking work. The healthcare system created by Nikolai SEMASHKO is known all over the world. The SEMASHKO system was based on several ideas:

— Unity of treatment and disease prevention;

— Priority on motherhood;

— Equal access to medicine for citizens of the USSR;

— Centralization of health care, uniform principles of organization;

— Elimination of the foundations of disease (both medical and social);

— Active involvement of the public in the cause of HEALTH.

As a result, a system of medical institutions appeared that ensured the availability of healthcare, a feldsher-obstetric station (FAP):

Local hospital, district clinic, Regional Hospital, Specialized Research Institutes.

Special departmental institutions for miners, railway workers, and military personnel were preserved. Medical offices were organized at the enterprises.

They monitored such pathologies as tuberculosis, venereal diseases, alcoholism.

Rest houses, resorts, sanatoriums were added to the system of medicine in the USSR, where all treatments were included in the therapeutic process. The greatest attention was paid to pediatric medicine. A newborn child was always under the control of children's doctors until school. The people accepted timely vaccinations with confidence and without fear. There were many achievements in the field of medical discoveries. The population of the USSR increased from 137 million in 1920 to 195 million by 1941. There were, however, gaps in the development of pharmaceuticals. Domestic pharmaceutical industry was poorly developed and many medicines were bought abroad. There was a queue for dentists and annual queues for false dentures. However, all services were free.

We were expected by many reforms in the field of health care in the USSR, for the benefit of the people. However, the USSR collapsed, and the SOCIALISM system collapsed and plunged our medicine into the arms of CAPITALISM, i.e. paid medicine. Paid clinics are located in almost every new building and have X-ray, ultrasound, and CT services. MRI, EEG, etc., where, if funds are available, you can quickly establish the disease and find out your diagnosis.

As for budgetary institutions, we can see

— Reduction of medical public institutions;

— Reduction in the number of medical beds in public hospitals;

— Staff shortage;

— Poor medical supply of citizens;

— Rise in price of medicines.

Today, the number of doctors and all medical personnel has decreased. There are practically no doctors left in the village. The amount of money allocated from the health budget for the treatment of AIDS and tuberculosis is not known. We have almost halved funding from the federal budget for the healthcare system. COVID-19 is being vaccinated; however, paid medicine has also come to these services. A doctor's examination and vaccination already cost an average of 1,100 rubles. Servicing the population of ambulances is calculated up to 10,000 rubles, in different regions in different ways. Installing an exit test for coronavirus costs over 2,000 rubles, possibly even higher in different regions. The queue for coupons to specialists is long and you can get to the doctor only after a few weeks and to specialized specialists after six months or more. It is possible for some categories of the population to undergo regular procedures free, but you need to sign up for them 1 or 2 years in advance.

In many regions of the country, the buildings of polyclinics are old, cramped and resemble village sheds of past centuries. The dental fee industry is generally prohibitive in terms of its prices and covers more than 50-90% of the required number of services provided to the population.

MEDICINE in the Russian Federation has also come to the stage of division of our people into classes of RICH AND POOR, in which one part of the population prospers, and the second part of the population dies. The financing of the healthcare system from the federal budget has been cut almost by half.


Sweden, Norway, etc., there is developed capitalism there, it is hundreds of years old, our capitalism is only 30 years old. "There" he was also terrible 300-600 years ago. And, developed capitalism will one day pass into socialism according to the teachings of Marx, and we have already been there, and we know what it is. Capitalism is dying out all over the world; it is being replaced by Socialism.

Sweden, after the formation of the state as the most developed economically and socially, received the right to the term "Swedish socialism", or "Swedish economic model". By the end of the 1960s, observers around the world began to note rapid economic growth against the backdrop of a broad policy of social reform, with society remaining relatively conflict-free. Thus, the image of Sweden as a successful state with serene residents was created, which created a rather striking contrast with other countries around the world.

Now the term "Swedish socialism" is used with different meanings and in different meanings, it depends on what is meant by this concept. The type of the Swedish economy is mixed in nature, it combines state regulation with market relations, it is dominated by private ownership in all spheres of production, and consumption is socialized. Another important feature of typical Swedish socialism requires special consideration — the very specific relations in the labor market between capital and labor.

For many decades, the main component of Swedish socialism was considered a special centralized negotiation system: contracts were concluded and wages were set only with the participation of trade unions (and these were the most powerful organizations) and entrepreneurs. These were the main actors in each contract, the trade unions built their policies strictly within the framework of the principles of solidarity, and the groups of workers were very different. Thus, the Swedish model of socialism is based on the full social protection of every worker.

In short, the Swedish model of socialism is defined by two dominant goals: the first is the full employment of the working population; the second is the equalization of incomes. This is what determines the economic policy of the country. The labor market eventually developed very rapidly with an exceptionally large public sector (the state here acts not as an owner, but as a redistributor). All this speaks of the high economic results of the Swedish model of socialism.

Thus, we see that only the “Right to get Work” is in the Swedish model, i.e. 1/5 of the socialist benefits we have mentioned above.

If we consider the state structure and its functions more broadly, we must admit that this is a huge complex of realities — both political and economic — that have managed to ensure a high standard of living, the so-called "developed capitalism". The main feature can be called the unique strength of the Swedish workers' movement, which has been under the rule of the Social Democrats since 1932 (except for the period from 1976 to 1982), and cooperation with this trade union association party has always been very close. That is why the working-class movement intensified; almost all reforms were carried out and brought to the end. In short, the Swedish model of socialism has never changed the main goal of its policy — the adoption of full employment. The goal was unchanged, and the Swedish people ardently supported their government in this.

The desire for equality is the strongest desire among the Swedish population.

Sweden has declared neutrality in foreign policy since 1914; it did not participate in either the First or Second World War. In addition, the reforms in the country were carried out peacefully and gradually, especially since the ruling party was the Social Democratic for a record long time.

The main features of the Swedish model of socialism have evolved since historically distant times, this country usually calmly moved to new formations, including from feudalism to capitalism. The economy developed under stable and favorable conditions, reformism dominated in the labor movement (already in 1938, an agreement between the trade union and entrepreneurs was concluded in Saltschebaden), the principles of relations between the labor movement and capital were not violated, although the search for compromises was always present, taking into account the interests of both sides.

Historical background and the prevailing culture had a huge impact on the development of the economy. It took at least seven hundred years to define the Swedish model of socialism: entrepreneurship already flourished in these lands. During the Viking times, there were many enterprises that produced weapons, and Swedish jewelry was known throughout the world mastered at that time.

The Swedish model of socialism, more precisely, as we noted above, "developed capitalism", of course, has its shortcomings; "good capitalism" does not exist, capitalism initially assumes the inequality of people, and as it develops, capitalism becomes good only for 10% of the population, precisely due to the suffering of the remaining 90%. In addition, progressive people with endless strikes and strikes developed all 300-700 years capitalism in Europe. Moreover, "developed" capitalism will one day turn into socialism according to the teachings of Marx and Lenin. Capitalism is dying all over the world, it is being replaced by Socialism, and perhaps Sweden will be the first to come to it if there is an active communist movement.

Crises more than once affected the state of the state model of capitalism in Sweden ("the so-called socialism") — it literally "slid". And, as we know from the Marxist-Leninist teachings, crises are the destiny of capitalism. Briefly, Swedish socialism cannot be characterized, it is more like, as we have already noted above, state capitalism. The private sector increases production as much as possible, and the state redistributes part of its profits as much as possible with the help of the tax system. That is why the state is the main actor in the Swedish economy, distributing and redistributing national income through taxes and government spending. The latter reach record levels. For this, reformist ideologists called such activities functional socialism.

Back in the middle of the 19th century, Sweden was a rather backward country, mostly agricultural, and from 1890 until 1950, the pace of economic development in Sweden was the most powerful in the world. As already mentioned, Sweden did not participate in wars at all, and therefore the Second World War did not prevent its prosperity.

But, the misfire was not slow to appear already in the 50s. And, the Swedes began to gradually abandon the principles of the Swedish model of socialism, more precisely capitalism, as stated above,

so that the country would not cease to exist.

"All nations will come to socialism, it is inevitable… (V.Lenin)"


According to the teachings of Marx, developed capitalism will turn into socialism. The developed European countries are going there on their own long way, but we have already been there under Soviet power, by passing centuries of capitalist development, and in the 90s of the 20th century, because of a coup, we jumped back, towards the end feudalism — the beginning of capitalism.

About Formations on Planet Earth ….

Feudalism — in society, a class of feudal lords — landowners — and a class of peasants dependent on them, who are personally dependent, stand out. Production, mainly agricultural, is carried out by the labor of dependent peasants exploited by feudal lords. Feudal society is characterized by a class social structure. The main mechanism that encourages labor is serfdom, economic coercion.

What is feudalism in simple words?

Feudalism isa social system in which the peasants lead an independent economy, but are in personal and economic subordination to the ruling class.

Capitalism — also called the commodity mode of production. There is a general right of private ownership of the means of production. There are classes of capitalists (bourgeoisie) — owners of the means of production — and that part of the working class that does not own the means of production and works for the capitalists for hire (the working person). The working person is a class of modern wageworkers who, being deprived of their own means of production, are compelled, in order to live, to sell their labor power.

The capitalists organize production and appropriate the surplus produced by the workers. The main mechanism that encourages work is economic coercion — a working person does not have the opportunity to provide for his life in any other way than by receiving wages for the work performed.

Socio-economic formation develops, passing through different stages. From the middle of the 16th century began the manufacturing period of capitalism, which lasted in Western Europe until the last third of the 18th century. As a result of the industrial revolution, the machine period of capitalism began. Free competition capitalism developed over time into monopoly capitalism — imperialism.

The main criterion for making economic decisions is the desire to increase capital, to make a profit.

Capital is value continually multiplying itself ”.

Capital arises only where the owner of the means of production and means of subsistence finds a free worker on the market as a seller of his labor power. The concept of "capitalism" is an economic abstraction. The real economy of specific countries has never provided complete freedom of enterprise. There were always, to one degree or another, features unusual for capitalism — class privileges; state property; restrictions on the ownership of property, including restrictions on the size of real estate or land; customs barriers; antimonopoly rules, etc. Some of them are the legacy of previous eras; some are a consequence of the development of capitalism itself.

There is also such a thing as state capitalism

The model of capitalism, in which the state and capital are merging, is manifested by the desire of the authorities to take control of large private business.


The communist formation in its development goes through the phase of socialism to complete communism. Socialism — in the five-stage formational scheme, socialism is considered as the first phase of the highest — communist — social formation. The backward countries can pass to socialism bypassing capitalism in the course of a non-capitalist path of development. In the development of socialism, a transitional period is singled out, socialism built in the main, developed socialism.

Marx and Engels did not assign socialism the place of a separate socio-economic formation. The terms "socialism" and "communism», themselves were synonymous and denoted a society following capitalism.

Let us remember the charms of capitalism in the Victorian era. Even a homeless person in London had to pay for a place in a rooming house, and the amenities offered were of great originality. Judge for yourself: for 1 penny, disadvantaged subjects of the British Empire could sit on a bench all night. It was forbidden to sit, lie down and sleep on the benches. Still it was better than freezing or getting wet in the rain on the street. Those who found 2 pennies in their pocket by the evening could count on the so-called two-penny suspension. Such lucky ones had a wonderful opportunity to take a nap on an outstretched rope. However, it was those who had enough money for a “four penny coffin” that really chic. These people could comfortably settle down for the night in narrow wooden boxes. Almost perfect bed!

Moreover, human zoos in capitalist Belgium, they were quite recently, in the 50s of the 20th century.

The developed capitalism of Europe and America is hundreds of years old, the Russian capitalism is only thirty years old, as we see, capitalism at the beginning of development there was terrible and developed by endless strikes of progressive people of a socialist orientation. Now this "developed capitalism" has reached its impasse. The next stage of development according to the teachings of Marx and Lenin is socialism.

Any capitalism, reaching the top peaks, will collapse anyway and there will be no way back, since “The past has no future»!

The transition from capitalism to socialism is inevitable, but we must hurry, because nuclear wars, chipization, and robotization are on the threshold of humanity. Labor force, i.e. MAN OF LABOR is the most essential element of capital. Therefore, capitalism will produce it (man of labor) for itself — a comfortable, not needing food, air, almost immortal, capable of exploring other planets — a ROBOT with artificial intelligence. As a result, LIVING WORK MAN (and this is 90% of the world's population) will become unnecessary for capitalism.

Moreover, we know that capitalism breeds wars, terror and pestilence.



In May 2022, the elite of political scientists raised the topic “about the ban on throwing mud at the USSR.” Moreover, they began to demand a revision in the educational system, without distorting the truthful facts, as well as the restoration of prof. educational institutions of the vocational school type, which are so necessary now for young people after schooling and for young people after military service. This cannot but please the Communist Party.

Science in the field of electronics has made a leap into the future and someday the versions of science fiction writers will come true that a group of people will remain on earth who will desperately fight robots for their lives and human!

Hence the wars, and terror, and pestilence, to reduce the population, hence the development of capitalist science, to produce a convenient worker.

Under the veil of the "plague" of the 21st century called COVID-19, experiments are being carried out through vaccinations, chips are being embedded (so far on animals) and now the mass vaccination coercion is gaining momentum and is a weapon against working people (who are step by step removed from the workplace), for now, temporarily, before vaccination.

The privatizations of the Russian Federation indicate the inability of state officials to manage the process of the economy in the sphere of the country's natural and fossil resources, as well as, of course, their manufacturing industry in the event of their state ownership, and therefore the state suits capitalism, which gives them a feeder not "applied " hands.

CAPITALISM is growing stronger in the medical and educational structure and even in the defense industry, when separately rich people create an army (PMC) for themselves, as if to protect their real estate or business abroad, while possessing weapons of attack.

Now we have only two ways: to wait for centuries for the development of capitalism in our country, from “wild” to “developed”, arranging from time to time demonstrations and strikes with demands, without them capitalism will stop developing, because nothing happens by itself, or immediately embark on the socialist path of development, indicated by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin on the basis of the theory of Karl Marx, embodied in life by Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.

The people of the USSR and socialism are slowly leaving for another world, but there is still hope for people over the age of 50 who will not forget the philosophy of Marxism-Leninism, and they will still have time to put their ideas and theories of substantiating the construction of socialism with the transition into communism into practice.

Our generation that has been there, still alive, knows that this is a reality, that it can be so, so it should be, and so it will be! Socialism will replace capitalism and will save all HUMANITY of the planet EARTH, providing it with

1. Right to life

2. Right to have a home (free of charge)

3. Right to an education (free of charge)

4. Right to get work (the workplace should be provided to every person)

5. Access to medicine (free of charge)

To do this, Russia must conduct a general nationalization of all natural resources and industries of the country simultaneously, with one order and a change in the articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, for example, as it was done in 1918.

Decree on the nationalization of the oil industry of June 20, 1918.

1.Oil-producing, oil-refining, oil-trading, auxiliary drilling and transport enterprises (tanks, oil pipelines, oil depots, docks, pier facilities, etc.) with all their movable and immovable property, wherever it is and whatever it is, are declared as state property.

2. Small enterprises named in paragraph 1 are excluded from the operation of this decree. The grounds and procedure for the aforementioned withdrawal are determined by special rules, the development of which is entrusted to the Main Oil Committee.

3. Trade in oil and its products is declared a state monopoly.

4. The business of managing nationalized enterprises as a whole, as well as determining the procedure for implementing nationalization, is transferred to the Main Oil Committee under the Fuel Department of the Supreme Council of the National Economy (Glavkoneft).

5. The procedure for the formation of local bodies for the management of nationalized enterprises and the limits of their competence are determined by special instructions of the Main Oil Committee upon their approval by the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the National Economy.

6. Pending the acceptance of the nationalized enterprises as a whole into the management of the Main Oil Committee, the former boards of the named enterprises are obliged to continue their work in full, taking all measures to protect the national heritage and the uninterrupted course of operations.

7. The former board of each enterprise must draw up a report for the entire year 1917 and for the first half of 1918, as well as the balance sheet of the enterprise for June 20, according to which balance the new board checks and actually accepts the enterprise.

8. The Main Oil Committee has the right, without waiting for the presentation of balance sheets and until the complete transfer of nationalized enterprises to the control of Soviet authorities, to send its commissars to all the boards of oil enterprises, as well as to all centers of extraction, production, transport and trade in oil, and the Chief the oil committee may delegate its powers to its commissars.

9. All rights and obligations of the councils of congresses of oil owners are transferred to the appropriate local bodies for the management of the nationalized oil industry.

10. All employees of enterprises and institutions that come under the jurisdiction of the Main Oil Committee are ordered to remain in their places without interrupting the work assigned to them.

11. Pending the issuance by the Main Petroleum Committee of the instructions, orders and rules provided for in the decree, local councils of the national economy, and where there is none, other local organs of Soviet power, are given the right to issue them for their area.

12. This Decree shall enter into force immediately upon publication.

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars

V. Ulyanov (Lenin).

Managing Director of the Council of People's Commissars

V. Bonch-Bruevich.

Council Secretary N. Gorbunov.

Only in this way we will quickly straighten out the economy, raise the heavy industrial industry, light industry and the system of domestic electronics. In return, we will get a job, free housing, free education, and free healthcare. We will master Siberia, the Arctic and the Far East.

Our young boys and girls will be able to do this, and they will return the USSR to us even during our lifetime — the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.


The All-People's Stalinist Constitution of the USSR of June 12, 1936.


The rights of the Soviet citizen were enshrined directly in the articles of the constitution.

So, for the first time in world practice, the rights to work, rest, free education and health care, social security in old age and in case of illness appeared in the Basic Law of the country.

The social structure of the USSR was established in 12 articles of the chapter.

According to:

Article 1 of the Constitution "The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is a socialist state of workers and peasants»;

Article 2 "The Soviets of Working People's Deputies, which have grown and strengthened as a result of the overthrow of the power of the landlords and capitalists, and the conquest of the dictatorship of the proletariat, form the political basis of the USSR»;

Article 3 “All power in the USSR belongs to the working people of the city and countryside, represented by the Soviets of Deputies, Working People»;

Article 4 “The economic basis of the USSR is the socialist economy and socialist ownership of the tools and means of production, established as a result of the liquidation of the capitalist economic system, the abolition of private ownership of the tools and means of production, and the abolition of the exploitation of man by man»;

Article 5 “Socialist property in the USSR has either the form of state property (public property) or the form of cooperative-collective farm property (the property of individual collective farms, the property of cooperative associations)»;

Article 6 “land, its subsoil, water, forests, factories, factories, mines, mines, railway, water and air transport, banks, means of communication, large agricultural enterprises organized by the state (state farms, machine and tractor stations, etc.), as well as communal enterprises and the main housing stock in cities and industrial centers are state property, that is, public property»;

Article 7 “public enterprises in collective farms and cooperative organizations with their live and dead implements, the products produced by collective farms and cooperative organizations, as well as their public buildings, constitute the social, socialist property of collective farms and cooperative organizations. Each collective farm yard, in addition to the main income from the public collective farm, has a small household plot of land for personal use and a subsidiary farm on the household plot, a residential building, productive livestock, poultry and small agricultural implements — in accordance with the charter of the agricultural artel»;

Article 8 “land occupied by collective farms is assigned to them for free and indefinite use, that is, forever»;

Article 9 “along with the socialist system of economy, which is the dominant form of economy in the USSR, small private farming of individual peasants and handicraftsmen is allowed by law, based on personal labor and excluding the exploitation of the labor of others»;

Article 10 “Citizens’ right of personal property to their labor income and savings, to a residential building and subsidiary household, to household and household items, to personal consumption and convenience items, as well as the right to inherit personal property of citizens are protected by law»;

Article 11 “the economic life of the USSR is determined and directed by the state national economic plan in the interests of increasing social wealth, steadily raising the material and cultural level of the working people, strengthening the independence of the USSR and strengthening its defense capability»;

Article 12 “work in the USSR is a duty and a matter of honor for every able-bodied citizen on the basis of the principle: ‘he who does not work shall not eat’. The principle of socialism is being implemented in the USSR: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his work."


The Communist Party of the Russian Federation, a party savvy with the ideology of Marxism-Leninism, which managed to continue the work of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the dashing 90s of the 20th century, sets as its main goal the construction of socialism.


The motto of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation according to the Charter of the party is “Russia, labor, democracy, socialism!”


All the people need to do today is to want these changes and vote "for" the Communist Party! When there are many votes, they cannot be hidden by any falsification of elections. Today, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation has only 57 seats in the State Duma out of 450 jobs, all issues in the modern world are decided by voting, adopted by a majority of votes.

As soon as the people understand this and vote "for" the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the communists of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, having taken at least more than half of the seats, will be able to make this transition from capitalism to socialism BY INTRODUCING CHANGES to the articles of the constitution!









Editorial and Publishing Council


Local party branch "Frunzenskoye"


Leningrad regional branch

Kaliningrad regional branch of the political party of the CPRF


Address: Russian Federation, Kaliningrad (region), St. Frunze 105



All photos and information are from the Internet

K. Marx "Capital", "Manifesto of the Communist Party"

V.I. Lenin Full composition of writings



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