Deadlock of the Capitalism. Transformation to the Socialism. / Aira Ира

Deadlock of the Capitalism. Transformation to the Socialism.

Aira Ира
Deadlock of the Capitalism. Transformation to the Socialism.
Deadlock of the Capitalism. Transformation to the Socialism.

Deadlock of the Capitalism. Transformation to the Socialism.

Capitalism is a formation that has gone all the way and developed its potential as an engine of progress. Capitalism is strong and terrible, but this is its limit and it itself is now bad (except for the 1% of the richest citizens — everything is fine for them, they are at the peak of the mountain, and they no longer need to climb anywhere — the mountain itself is growing under them).

There is next stage-the SOCIALISM.

The agony of capitalism was the inevitable result of growing economic inequality. At some point, the property gap turned into a rupture of the economy, in which there were too many poor people to afford the existence of so rich. In other words, the wealth of a country is not in its wealth, but in its distribution. The same country with the same economy will be poor with extreme inequality, because the majority of the population will be poor. This is the dead end of all forms of progress. Even if the richest people on the planet live in it at the same time. If 1% of the country has all the money — you can't sell them a lot of things. If the money is distributed as evenly as possible, with minimal gaps — then it will be an Economy with a Market and Prospects.

Capitalism has no internal mechanisms for solving this problem. This means that the formation of Capitalism has exhausted itself.

At first, commercial activity led to an increase in the productivity of the economy and an increase in overall wealth — this increased the importance of the economy as such — while it was getting rich, the rest of life was also modernized, including the business class.

This is the essence of capitalism. And for the time being, it worked, but the conflict was initially laid in its foundation. The situation in which the economy ceases to serve society, but begins to serve the interests of one economic group, and society is pulled up after it, is fundamentally unhealthy.

And so it turned out. In the beginning, the priority of society and the state in favor of the capitalist economy was made because it seemed to be a source of wealth for everyone. However, this has made the capitalists a privileged class, and the capitalist's priority is to make personal profit.

Today, capitalism has exhausted its resources. There is nothing more to save or save, and there is nothing more to restart-if you let go of capitalism on the same rules, the economies will fly into the same dead end. It remains to change the rules so that the impasse ceases to be an integral finale of the natural evolution of the market economy, which can only mean a change of formations.

And the change of formation, as it is seen in the XXI century — is not at all what was imagined in the XIX or even XX centuries.

In fact, breaking the stalemate of capitalism and continuing progress requires correcting the main skew that emerged under capitalism: people's perception that socialism contradicts private property.

Perhaps the Revolution of 1917 was premature in the sense that, despite the observed crisis of capitalism, its impasse had not yet come at that time, but it showed society what the life of every Person on the planet Earth can be.

When changing formations, it is necessary to take with us the main achievements of the SOCIALISM:

1. The right to life

2. The right to housing (free of charge)

3. The right to education (free of charge)

4. The right to work (the workplace must be provided to everyone)

5. The right to medicine (free of charge)

Now a little bit of history: from the perspective of the XXI century, the picture opens up in a completely new light. The denouement of unregulated capitalism came where it should have: where it developed most rapidly — in the United States. It came sooner than anyone expected: in 1929. Capitalism has driven itself into a crisis from which it could not escape. Roosevelt's solution was not Marxist, but it was close to true socialism.

Roosevelt operated in a situation where capitalism was "everything", and this was not a crisis within capitalism, but a crisis of capitalism itself, from which he could not get out-hence, external, non-capitalist and non-economic methods were needed. There are few institutions comparable in strength to capitalism, and the choice was obvious: the State.

The Roosevelt model of socialism — a society freed from the power of the market, the productive power of the market economy, taken under control in the interests of society.

The wealth created by the market economy under capitalism belongs to those who own businesses.

Under socialism, this principle isn't good enough anymore. The economy serves society, the wealth produced by the market economy belongs to society, is distributed throughout society, and society determines the rules for its distribution. The business owner's right to profit should not be based on the fact that they own a business, but should be based on the fact that entrepreneurs are also part of society and also deserve a share in the total wealth.

The hopeless trap of capitalism is a trap that capitalism produces itself: the right to profit.

The link between wealth and inequality lies in the very mechanism of profit-in fact, it is the same process, but in effect on different categories of people.

• Its main positive effect is the growth of productivity and the wealth created by the economy.

• Its main side effect is rising inequality.

And the problem of inequality has been close to capitalism since its heyday in the 19th century. The labor movement, socialism as a theory, socialism as a political practice-all this was a reaction to the growing inequality with the economy. Capitalism produced more and more wealth, but for those at the bottom of it, this only increased the distance to those at the top — the position of those who created this growth and with their own hands also did not change in any way. And the problem of inequality has been close to capitalism since its heyday in the 19th century. The labor movement, socialism as a theory, socialism as a political practice-all this was a reaction to the growing inequality with the economy. Capitalism produced more and more wealth, but for those at the bottom of it, this only increased the distance to those at the top — the position of those who created this growth and with their own hands also did not change in any way.

As soon as the formation ceases to find ways to solve its problems within itself, it is stuck on a problem that it is not able to solve. And since there are no more mechanisms for solving it inside the formation, the only way out will be external intervention. This creates a request for a new formation.

For capitalism, such a dead end is the extreme property gap: the number of poor has reached a critical threshold at which this formation begins to sink — despite the super wealth of the super-rich.

The obvious way out of this impasse is to restart the economy, move to a higher level, to the Socialist formation.

The Communist Party is a party with the knowledge and accumulated experience of Marxism-Leninism, which will be able to lead the peoples of the Planet to the next formation of the development — to THE SOCIALISM!

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